My Pages

11 November 2010

Out of the starting blog...

[Volume 1, Issue 1]
There is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that reads, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” I have a few hobbies and interests and I wouldn’t call myself a master at any of them, but I definitely want to try new things and I definitely want to grow… call it my early New Year’s resolutions, hence I’m trying my hand at blogging...

Blog… what? For those who may not have heard of the term, a quick definition:
(For a lot of my friends it will be their first visit to one)

A blog is a personalized space on the Internet, like a website, created by an individual and is read and commented on by other people. In this space individuals interact and express their personal thoughts, views, opinions, and share ideas about different matters.

Ready, steady, blog.

The first question that came to mind as I set out on this new adventure was what to write about? The answer, I think lies in the reason why one would want to blog. I’m not blogging for a cause or to make money, which are just two of the Googol (that’s 100 zeros!) reasons why people blog. For now, I simply want to do it for fun and because it is something new and exciting that I haven’t tried before… without cluttering the web with more meaningless nonsense!

Inspire, Inform & Interact…

We all have a story to tell, knowledge, ideas and opinions to share, and we can all learn from each other’s experiences. So, self-expression is my in main motivation for wanting to share my thoughts with the blogging community - be it about my hobbies, interests, experiences or the mundaneness of life as it unfolds - in such a way that it would hopefully inspire, motivate or encourage someone somewhere and in turn I hope to achieve the same through visitors’ feedback and comments.

It is quite intimidating as a non-writer to think of myself as a blogger, its like buying a camera and calling yourself a photographer (another hobby which I haven’t mastered) but as the saying goes: “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” So here I go… let’s see where this journey leads!

Having mentioned New Year’s resolutions earlier, I was wondering if people still make commitments to change or improve their lives… if you do, have you compiled your list for 2011? I certainly have but the question that I fail to answer positively each year is: will I be motivated to get those things done, or merely inspired to add to my list?

I am however determined to change that in the coming year, which is one with a lot of firsts for me, as I start a “new” life with my beautiful wife to be on 22 January 2011

Watch this space…

Please take part in the poll at the bottom of this post...


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