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31 December 2010

In 2011 I resolve to...

[Volume 1, Issue 3]
Its that time again when we tend to take stock and reflect on the year gone by and look forward to the New Year with much anticipation and then take a resolute stand to change bad habits and to foster a positive change in our lives.

If you’re like me, this desire to-do or to-change however does not last very long and soon I find myself burying my resolutions in the grave of procrastination.

“How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'.”- Martin Luther

Research shows that only about 46% of resolutions make it past the 6-month mark.

It’s easy to make a resolution, but it’s not always easy to keep a resolution. However, I am determined change that and make 2011 a memorable year  Resolution # 1

So, I thought long and hard and came up with a concrete yet challenging list that I hope will bring about positive change not just in my life but also in the lives of those around me in 2011.

By writing them down I can hold myself accountable as well as constantly review my resolutions. In 365 days from now I intend to report that I have either met all of the commitments on my list or have made positive progress.

So, here they are… in no particular order:

My New Year’s resolutions

 Get Fit

This one is probably on 99% of lists around the world. I have vowed to join a gym in the New Year and not to stop there but to attend at least twice a week to get fit and get into shape.

 Take a trip

Travel to at least one place (local or abroad) I have never been before, but especially in South Africa. We have such beautiful hidden gems and 2011is time to explore…

 Be a Super Spouse

This is the most important one on the list. 22 January is a big and yet exciting step and I have so much to learn about the sacred bond of marriage, but I hope that my better-half will be able to report at the end of 2011 that I have been a loving, spontaneous, unselfish, romantic, caring, responsible and super spouse.

 Spend more time on my hobbies 

The last 24 months I have neglected my musical instruments… mainly due to my own procrastination! There is no real excuse for this. There have been too many other “distractions” and I have overlooked my music for far too long. It is time to get motivated again and to dust off the old piano and guitar case and start jamming again in 2011.

My other hobby is Bonsai… I enjoy it so much that I am dedicating a whole page to it on my blog…. to follow soon. I’ll talk more about this passion of mine on there but in 2011 I want have at least one of my Bonsai trees ready for my club’s annual Bonsai Show in November 2011.

Last but not least, my newfound hobby of blogging… As I mentioned in my very first post called Out of the starting blog, I want to try and build this blog into something meaningful which would hopefully inspire, motivate or encourage you as you read it!

 Enjoy Life and live it to the fullest

Last but not least, enjoy life and make the most of every single day! Be grateful for all my blessings and be the best I can be in 2011!

Happy New Year, may 2011 be filled with Love, Joy and Peace!!

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